Patagonia – The far South


We reached the last continent on our World Trip and started our route through South America in the Chilean part of Patagonia. We spent three nights in Puerto Natales and took the first day to explore the Torres del Paine National Park on a full day bus tour. Despite the harsh climate conditions, there is lots of wildlife to discover in Patagonia. We saw huge condors, guanacos, foxes and many more. The second day held a bigger challenge for us: the 22km roundtrip hike to the Torres del Paine lookout. It was our longest hike ever and we reached the top with a big smile. The view from the lake is stunning and the sunny weather was perfect for this outdoor adventure.

We then crossed over to Argentina by bus to get to El Calafate and its famous Perito Moreno glacier. Our 2-nights stay gave us enough time to spend a full day in the National Park and admire the massive glacier in all its beauty. Standing in front of it looking at the combination of white and blue almost seems unreal! Absolutely breathtaking! To complete our glacier experience, we took a 1 hour boat ride to get a little closer to the ice. As Argentina is famous for delicious “asados” and its Patagonian lamb, we tried different ones to savour the regional cuisine.

Our next destination was El Chalten, a small and very cosy village in the middle of a huge valley. The town is a Mecca for hikers, as it is located inside the National Park and all the trails start right there. The most famous one is the Fitz Roy hike, a 22km roundtrip up the moutain to get to the lake located in front of the summit. As Sarah had a bad cold Brian went up alone. The weather was not in his favor and he ecnountered everything from rain to snow on his way up and down. That’s probably the reason why he finished the trail in a record-breaking time. We took several smaller hikes to wonderful viewpoints and definitely fell in love with this small town in the middle of nowhere.

We are now more than looking forward to spend Christmas with Rafa and his family in Colombia.


1 thought on “Patagonia – The far South”

  1. Mona says:

    Hey Sarah, euer Blog liest sich wunderbar! Da bekomme ich auch Lust auf eine Reise um die Welt 🙂 Christmas in Colombia hört sich ebenfalls super an, kann ich nur empfehlen. Wohin reist ihr hier? Ich bin die nächsten 3 Wochen im Norden Kolumbiens, Nähe Cartagena und Barranquilla unterwegs. Ihr auch? Vielleicht kann man sich treffen? Viele Grüße

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