Amazon Adventures & the Caribbean Sea


The real adventure started just with the new year as we took off on a 4 days/3 nights tour through the Amazon Rainforest. We got the full experience during these 4 days, including day & night trekking through the rainforest and waist-high water, exploring the Amazon river and its surroundings by boat, fishing piranhas, harvesting coca leaves, visiting an indigenious village and getting in touch with the local wildlife like tarantulas, anacondas, pink dolphins, sloths, monkeys and many more.

It is a unique experience to visit the world’s biggest rainforest! We had lots of fun during the tour and enjoyed every part of it. We can highly recommend, although you need to be prepared for a hell lot of mosquitos ;).

After these intense 4 days it was time for some relaxation at the beaches of San Andres, a small Colombian Island in the Caribbean Sea. We mostly spend our days there exploring, sunbathing and visiting the small islands around. As San Andres is also famous for diving, we took one morning to discover the Caribbean underwater world and its beautiful reefs.

It was a perfect end to an amazing tour through Colombia, but unfortunately also the point where we had to say goodbye to Rebecca, Massimo and Nadia again.

Thank you guys for flying all the way over and making these 2 weeks just awesome! And a special thanks to Rafa for showing us his beautiful homecountry!
