Fiji – Eye in eye with the bullsharks

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Our first stop on the way over the Pacific Ocean brought us to Fiji. We spent 3 nights in a small hostel in Nadi before starting our Bula Pass Tour to the Yasawa Islands. This group of tiny islands lies in the Northwest of the main island Viti Levu and is accesible by ferry. We planned three stops for our tour: Nacula, Drawaqa and Kuata Island.

We first hopped of on Nacula island to stay in one of the dorms in the Blue Lagoon Resort. It is the fartest you can get to by ferry and offers a stunning lagoon with turquoise water, a beautiful sandy beach and a nice hike to the island’s peak, which rewards you with a gorgeous view.

The next island on our way was Drawaqa island, where we stayed in the Barefoot Manta Resort. The island is home to a small marine conservation center and a colourful reef. It is famous for the nearby channel, which manta rays visit daily during the season from May to October. So, November is theoretically too late to spot them. Luckily, the odds were in our favour and we could snorkel with one of the majestic giants. We completed our stay with a nice night snorkeling experience.

The last three nights of our island tour brought us to Kuata island and the Barefoot Kuata Resort. The island itself is very beautiful with its nice lagoon and overall green hills. Apart from the relaxation in the resort, the island offers a real adrenaline kick: Diving with bullsharks. We had one of our best dives so far! It is indcredible to get so close to the sharks without any need of a cage. The dive team and a marine biologist take care of everything and protect you with a round shaped metal pole, only if necessary. They mainly use the dive to keep track of the shark population and support shark conservation. It is trully breathtaking to see these big predators passing by right in front of you! See for yourself:

When we got back to the main island we headed Southwards to visit Pacific Harbour and the capital city Suva. We stayed in a very cosy AirBnb and took the three nights there to just relax and explore.

Our next stop in the South Pacific is French Polynesia.


4 thoughts on “Fiji – Eye in eye with the bullsharks”

  1. Matthias says:

    Hallo Ihr Zwei,
    was ein Abenteuer! Tauchen mit Haien und dann immer diese großartigen Landschaften.
    Freuen uns mit Euch über diese tollen Erlebnisse die Ihr Tag für Tag erleben dürft.
    Liebe Grüße aus dem kalten Deutschland.
    Matthias & Bianka

    1. B&S says:

      Hallo ihr beiden,
      vielen Dank. Es war wirklich einmalig :)!
      Viele Grüße aus der Sonne

  2. achim says:

    Breathtaking landscape, beautiful pictures and and stunning clips!
    0:32 of the shark video is a bit worrying…

    Enjoy the rest of you world-tour!

    1. B&S says:

      Thank you, Achim!
      Luckily, the sharks preferred to eat the fish 😀
      Brian & Sarah

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