La Réunion – Welcome to Jurassic Park

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Our decision to go to Réunion was taken after finding beautiful photos of the island online….and we were not disappointed at all! Réunion is like Jurassic Park in real life!

It amazed us with its green cirques, rainforest, volcanos and coastline – a masterpiece of Mother Nature!

For those who like hiking, it is the perfect place to explore mountains with great views, trek to many waterfalls or walk to the crater of one of the most active volcanos in the world, the Piton de la Fournaise. It normally erupts around 3 times every year. We used our 6 days in Reunion to do several hiking tours and visited the following spots: Cirque de Salazie with Hell-Bourg, Cirque de Cilaos, the Bébour rainforest and the active volcano.

As there was an eruption just one week before our arrival, we could not hike to the crater, but nevertheless enjoyed the hike around the volcano and the stunning views. 

We also got to chance to try more Creole food and fell in love with it on Réunion. For us, it was definitely the best food we had in the area. 

Awesome people we met

Laetitia & Loïc

The first 3 nights we did Couchsurfing in Réunion and stayed with Laetitia and Loïc in their flat in St. Denis. They are a German-Creole couple and took us in like we would know each other for years. We had a great time with them cooking, chatting and exploring Cilaos and can now count with two more friends around the world :). Thanks again guys!


5 thoughts on “La Réunion – Welcome to Jurassic Park”

  1. Antje says:

    Man oh man gut sehr schön hätte brain fast nicht mehr erkannt mit dem Bart steht ihm gut 😄🤣😀weiterhin alles gute LG Antje

  2. Antje says:

    Sorry Übersetzung mies meinte Brain und es steht ihm gut 🤣

  3. Tissi says:

    Hey, thank YOU two as well! I hope to see you again soon, somewhere 🙂 hugs!

    1. Mehmetinho says:

      Helloo Brian and Sara, amazing route and amazing pictures, it is really fantastic, have fun Bandidos and of course take care. Regards Mehmetinho

      1. B&S says:

        Kankaaa, thank you very much! We miss you Gefährlicho 😉 Take care of the people while we are not there! 🙂

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