Rio de Janeiro – The grand final


We saved the last stop on our trip for a very special item on our bucketlist : Carnival in Rio…

We arrived there 5 days before Carnival really started and had enough time to explore the marvelous city and its famous sights like Cristo Redentor, the beaches Copacabana and Ipanema, the city center or the breathtaking view during sunset on the Sugarloaf mountain. Rio de Janeiro is gorgeous and you can just fall in love with it when you see it from above, sitting inbetween the green hills and beautiful coastlines.

Before throwing ourselves into Carnival, there was something else to celebrate: Sarah’s 31st birthday. We started the day with a nice hike to the Pedra do Telégrafo outside Rio, chilled at Copacabana during the afternoon and had a delicious traditonal Brazilian Rodizio for dinner together with our travel buddies from Switzerland, Flavia & Fabian :).

Carnival arrived with the very last days of our trip and we had a blast joining several street parades “blocos”, dancing samba and celebrating with the locals. The atmosphere is awesome and it seems almost unreal to be in the middle of this big party!

The last highlight on our trip was one of the big parades in Rio’s Sambodromo. We went there on Sunday, 23rd to see the best samba schools and were simply amazed by the size, elaborated costumes and the great samba dancing. It is truly unique to be in there with 90.000 people celebrating and watching the most beautiful Carnival parade we have ever seen!


1 thought on “Rio de Janeiro – The grand final”

  1. Galina says:

    Amazing journey! It was a pleasure to follow the stories!

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